====== MelonMart, Inc. ======
MelonMart, Inc.
FoundedJune 26, 2022
OwnerMichael Webb
Address(es)1 Plain Street, Downtown, Melonia
**MelonMart, Inc.**, more commonly known as simply **MelonMart**, is an official business founded in the City of Melonia on June 26, 2022. ==== Founding ==== Michael Webb founded the business on June 26, 2022. He saw the need for a general goods company that sold various important building blocks, such as oak logs and stone bricks. ==== Items Initially Sold ==== Initially, MelonMart sold four items: dirt, oak logs, stone bricks, and coal. ==== Expansion of Business (Adding More Items, New Ordering System) (July 12, 2022) ==== MelonMart has added several more items to their itinerary; namely spruce logs, birch logs, dark oak logs, and bricks. MelonMart has also recently introduced an online ordering system using Google Sheets, where users duplicate a template and fill it out, then let MelonMart employees know of the order. ==== List of Items Currently Sold ==== MelonMart currently sells eight items: dirt, oak logs, spruce logs, birch logs, dark oak logs, stone bricks, coal, and bricks. They still plan to expand to offer a lot more items, possibly items such as cobblestone and cobbled deepslate.