====== Civics ====== Articles that discuss general civics items, such as countries (i.e. the Republic of Melonia), cities, regions, government structures, etc. ===== Melonia ===== * **[[civics:melonia|Republic of Melonia]]** * Cities and Regions * [[civics:melonia:melonia-city|Melonia City]] (capital city of the Republic of Melonia) * Boroughs of Melonia City * [[civics:melonia:downtown|Downtown]] * [[civics:melonia:haigdin|Haigdin]] * [[civics:melonia:agronia|Agronia]] * [[civics:melonia:sjafardyn|Sjafardyn]] * [[civics:melonia:belltown|Belltown]] * Governmental Roles * [[civics:melonia:president|President of the Republic of Melonia]] * [[civics:melonia:pm|Prime Minister of the Republic of Melonia]] * [[civics:melonia:ministry:city-planning|Minister of City Planning of the Republic of Melonia]] * [[civics:melonia:ministry:science|Minister of Science/Automation of the Republic of Melonia]] * [[civics:melonia:ministry:architecture|Minister of Architecture of the Republic of Melonia]] * [[civics:melonia:ministry:arts|Minister of Arts and Culture of the Republic of Melonia]] * [[civics:melonia:ministry:state|Minister of State of the Republic of Melonia]] * [[civics:melonia:ministry:finance|Minister of Finance of the Republic of Melonia]] * [[civics:melonia:ministry:tax-collection|Minister of Tax Collection of the Republic of Melonia]] (abolished) * [[civics:melonia:speaker|Speaker of Parliament of the Republic of Melonia]] * [[civics:melonia:mp|Member of Parliament of the Republic of Melonia]] * Branches of Government * [[civics:melonia:executive|Executive Branch of the Republic of Melonia]] * [[civics:melonia:parliament|Parliament of the Republic of Melonia]] * [[civics:melonia:judiciary|Judiciary Branch of the Republic of Melonia]] * Significant Government Documents * [[civics:melonia:constitution|Constitution of the Republic of Melonia]] * Former Government Documents * [[civics:melonia:former_constitution|Constitution of the City of Melonia]] * Culture * [[civics:melonia:melonyc|Melonyc Language]] * **Significant Buildings** * [[civics:melonia:republic-house|House of the Republic]] * [[civics:melonia:amogus-house|Amogus House]] * [[civics:melonia:magnate-courthouse|Magnate Courthouse]] ===== Cieurnia ===== * **[[civics:cieurnia|Cieurnish Empire]]** * Cities and Regions* * Former Regions * [[civics:cieurnia:taladosia|Taladosia]] * [[civics:cieurnia:montregan-rejburhg|Montregan-Rejburhg]] * Server of Melonia * [[civics:cieurnia:arkovia|Arkovia]] * [[civics:cieurnia:dazvan|Dazvan]] * [[civics:cieurnia:koronaj|Koronaj]] * Server of Velsor * [[civics:cieurnia:velsor|Velsor]] * [[civics:cieurnia:manaboria|Manaboria]] * Governmental Roles* * [[civics:cieurnia:kaiser|Kaiser of the Cieurnish Empire]] * [[civics:cieurnia:ministry:foreign-affairs|Minister of Foreign Relations of the Cieurnish Empire]] * [[civics:cieurnia:najtraunas:governor|Governor of Najtraunas]] * Culture* * [[civics:cieurnia:cieurnish|Cieurnish Language]] *For Cieurnia, the list of government roles, cities, regions, culture, etc. are not definitive or exhaustive. Only items that have importance to Melonia's relations with Cieurnia are listed here. For a more definitive outlook on the entirety of Cieurnia, visit the [[https://cieurnishwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Cieurnish_Wiki|Cieurnish Wiki]].