======= Haigdin =======
Photo of Haigdin as of January 22, 2023.
FoundedJune 26, 2022
CityMelonia City
Population5 (as of January 22, 2023)
**Haigdin** is a borough of [[civics:melonia:melonia-city|Melonia City]] in the [[civics:melonia|Republic of Melonia]]. It is a large peninsula with a mix of flat jungle and plains slopes leading to the mountains of [[civics:melonia:agronia|Agronia]]. Haigdin is home to a thriving business community, with many corporate headquarters, stores, and homes located within the borough. ====History==== Haigdin was discovered when the Interstate 69 bridge finished construction and allowed easy passage to the area. It was intended to be a business center very early on in its development. The first business to be established in Haigdin was Steak King Corporation. Haigdin has been a big priority for Melonian expansion, always either having development in-progress, or large-scale plans to develop it further. It is very common for new citizens to purchase their first properties in Haigdin. **BELOW: An old photo of Haigdin.** {{:wiki:haigdin-old.png?600|An old photo of Haigdin.}} ====Notable Services and Stores==== **[[businesses:steakking|Steak King]]**, located on 6 Baker Street, is a food production, preparation, and delivery service ran by [[officials:tz_scion|Prime Minister tz_scion]], and the first business to be established in Haigdin. **[[businesses:maroons|Maroon’s]]**, located on 7 Baker Street, is a small department store ran by [[officials:cstro216|M.P. cstro]]. It is notable for being one of only few places that sell Elytra. **[[businesses:mbc|Melonia Broadcasting Corporation]]**, headquartered on 2 Promise Way, is a news broadcast company ran by [[officials:therandommelon|President Michael Webb]]. It specializes in reporting current events from the Republic of Melonia and its ally, the Cieurnish Empire. **[[businesses:paevalon|Paevalon Dynamics]]** has a store on 2 Underpass Road ran by former Minister of Architecture and business mogul [[officials:isokamikaze|IsoKamikaze]]. Its architecture is a medley of different public aspects, such as a bar and an outdoor pool. Its wares tend to be highly coveted materials and items. ====Government Structure==== See the [[civics:melonia:melonia-city|Melonia City]] article for information on government structure, as Melonia City's boroughs do not have their own government.