======= Minister of Finance of the Republic of Melonia ======
Minister of Finance of the Republic of Melonia
A portrait of incumbent Minister of Finance/Speaker cstro.
Incumbent cstro216
October 16, 2023 - present
Style of Address Minister (official)
Type of Role Budget Creation

Chief Treasurer

Tax Collection
Abbreviation(s) Min. Fin.
Member of Executive Branch of the Republic of Melonia
Office House of the Republic
1 Capitol Drive, Downtown, Melonia City, Republic of Melonia
Appointer Appointment by President or Prime Minister

Appointment by Parliament (in cases of firing)
Term length Indefinite (until President, Prime Minister or Parliament fires or PM resigns)
Position Formation July 15, 2022
The **Minister of Finance of the Republic of Melonia** (more commonly known as simply the "Minister of Finance") is a member of the [[civics:melonia:executive|Executive Branch]] of the [[civics:melonia|Republic of Melonia]]. The Finance Minister is responsible for creating Melonia's budget, collecting taxes, and generally managing the government's money and bank accounts. ==== History ==== == Creation of the Position (July 15, 2022) == [[officials:bannerman|Now-former M.P. Bannerman]] was just elected to his new position, and wanted to focus full time on Parliament work and didn't want his [[civics:melonia:ministry:tax-collection|Ministry of Tax Collection]] position to get in the way. Due to these circumstances, and due to the budget crisis that occurred at this time, [[officials:therandommelon|President Webb]] decided to abolish the Tax Collection Ministry and instead create the Minister of Finance, which is dedicated to all financial matters, including tax collection. He appointed [[civics:melonia:pm|Prime Minister]] [[officials:tz_scion|tz_scion]] for this position, who still holds it today. == Management of the First Public Work (c. August 2022) == Minister Scion decided to utilize the newly-passed Public Works Act to build out infrastructure for [[civics:melonia:agronia|Agronia]], as it was just land back in those days. He coordinated the entire project, even doing a lot of the work himself. He used his power as Minister of Finance to grant all who helped with the project a salary depending on the amount of time they spent working in total. ==Contributions to Economic Plans (August 11, 2022)== The Minister of Finance, who has the power to create budgets, was instrumental in calculating and sorting out a brand new budget for Melonia that would stop the bleeding of money. This plan included heavily lowering government pay, abolishing military funding temporarily, and selling more plots to citizens to recoup losses. ==== Leadership Roles ==== == Create the Budget == The Minister of Finance is responsible for creating and maintaining the Melonian Budget, which lays out what each department of the government gets in funding, and what government officials shall be paid. == Chief Treasurer == As Chief Treasurer, this ministry is responsible for deciding how Melonia should distribute its money, especially in cases of potential government purchases of items. == Tax Collection == This ministry also deals with tax collection, as the [[civics:melonia:ministry:tax-collection|Ministry of Tax Collection]] was abolished. The Minister of Finance is responsible for making sure all tax logs are up-to-date, and that taxes are paid. ==== List of Melonian Finance Ministers ==== Three people in Melonia to have held this position, as of October 17, 2023. | ^ Name ^ Term ^ Party ^ President ^ ^ 1 | **[[officials:tz_scion|Scion]]** | July 15, 2022 - June 16, 2023 | [[parties:mrp|Melonian Representative Party]] | [[officials:therandommelon|Michael Webb]] | ^ 2 | **[[officials:pud|Pud/TheGoldenPud]]** | June 15, 2023 - October 16, 2023 | N/A | [[officials:tz_scion|tz_scion]] | ^ 3 | **[[officials:cstro216|cstro216]]** | October 16, 2023 - present | [[parties:cbp|CalvinBall Party]] | [[officials:tz_scion|tz_scion]] |