Foundedc. June 2022
CityMelonia City
Population1 (as of October 23, 2022)
**Sjafardyn** is a borough of [[civics:melonia:melonia-city|Melonia City]] in the [[civics:melonia|Republic of Melonia]]. Sjafardyn consists of an island that is connected by Sjafar Bridge to Downtown. Sjafardyn also includes Business Island and Chenonceau. ====History==== The first landmark of Sjafardyn built was the Sjafar Bridge, being named a while after its creation. After the bridge was built, Member of Parliament [[officials:cstro216|cstro216]] utilized the land to build a mine shack, which is commonly used as a public mine today. Later, he would also plant bamboo and make a small cow farm in Sjafardyn. There was a railway station built here, however, it was later taken down due to the popularity of horses and elytras increasing. On January 16th, 2023, the Republic of Melonia held the Drisnel Memorial Service, which took place in Sjafardyn on 1 Kortic Way. This place was chosen for its significance as the government's first reservation for Drisnel's business. A monument to honor the late Drisnel was constructed that day, and the property has since been zoned historical by the executive branch of the government, ensuring that the monument wouldn't be removed. ==== Government Structure ==== See the [[civics:melonia:melonia-city|Melonia City article]] for information on government structure, as Melonia CIty's boroughs do not have their own government.