====== June 1, 2022 Referendum ====== This referendum took place on June 1, 2022. This was the first referendum in Melonia history. This is also the first vote in which citizens actually had to vote; in the [[elections:5-30-22|May 30, 2022 general election]], no one had to vote since all of the candidates ran unopposed. This referendum pertained to whether or not to pass the first amendment to the Melonian Constitution. This amendment standardized how treaties and wars would be conducted by officials of the City of Melonia. ==== Results ==== The amendment passed unanimously. ^ Rank ^ Name ^ Tally ^ Percent ^ | **#1** | **Yes** | **5** | **100.00%** | | #2 | No | 0 | 0.00% | | **Total votes** || **5** || | Eligible population || 9 || | % who voted || 55.56% ||