====== June 15, 2022 General Election ====== This general election took place on June 15, 2022. This was the second election in Melonia history, and played out the exact same way as the first election: all candidates ran unopposed. In fact, all candidates were the same as the first election. ==== Results - Mayoral ==== [[officials:therandommelon|TheRandomMelon]] won re-election for the position of Mayor, with [[officials:josephinemira|JosephineMira]] running as his running mate. They were unopposed. ^ Rank ^ Name ^ Tally ^ | **#1** | {{:wiki:trm-face.png?26|TRM}} **TheRandomMelon*** | N/A (Unopposed) | | | VM: {{:wiki:mira-face.png?26|Mira}} **JosephineMira***|| *Incumbent ==== Results - Senatorial ==== [[officials:tz_scion|Scion]] and [[officials:cstro216|cstro]] won re-election to the two Senate seats available in this election. They were also unopposed. ^ Rank ^ Name ^ Tally ^ | **#1 (A)** | {{:wiki:scion-face.png?26|TRM}} **tz_scion*** | N/A (Unopposed) | | **#1 (B)** | {{:wiki:cstro-face.png?26|TRM}} **cstro216*** | N/A (Unopposed) | *Incumbent