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M.P. IsoKamikaze's official portrait.
Member of Parliament of Melonia
April 15, 2023 - June 15, 2023 (3rd Parliament)
June 15, 2023 - August 7, 2023 (4th Parliament)
1st Member of Parliament (Murvania) of Melonia
February 15, 2023-April 15, 2023 (districts eliminated)
1st Minister of Architecture of Melonia
October 30, 2022-December 2, 2022 (fired)
Term October 30, 2022-December 2, 2022
Party None (Independent)
May 30, 2022-present
Citizen Info
JoinedMay 30, 2022
Address3 Interstate 69, Melonia

IsoKamikaze, also known as Owen or Iso, is the former Minister of Architecture of the Republic of Melonia and a former Member of Parliament. He was appointed to the Minister position by Prime Minister tz_scion on October 30, 2022. He also was a candidate for the July 15th Senate election for Expansia. However, on July 7th, a few days before the election, he dropped out, stating that he could not attend debates or the actual vote that next week due to other obligations. On December 2, 2022, he was fired from the Minister position by Prime Minister Scion. Scion stated in a public announcement that “[Iso]'s actions have been too impulsive and rush for our liking.”

IsoKamikaze ran unopposed for Member of Parliament for the district of Murvania on February 15, 2023. He currently holds this position, although as simply a Member of Parliament due to the elimination of districts for Parliament members for the April 15, 2023 election. However, due to CRIM-5, Republic of Melonia v. IsoKamikaze (August 7, 2023), he was banned from holding government positions until the October 15, 2023 election cycle.

IsoKamikaze has been a citizen of Melonia since its inception on May 30, 2022. He had not, however, held any government positions until his appointment to the Minister of Architecture position.

Tenure as Minister of Architecture (October 30, 2022-December 2, 2022)

When Iso was hired as the Minister of Architecture, Prime Minister tz_scion, in his public letter, stated that the Minister of Architecture “will be in charge of inspecting Melonian buildings and ensuring that they follow standards of quality and safety, and directing the construction of new buildings.” Iso was chosen for this position because, according to the Prime Minister, of his “excellent work and experience as a builder, having built many [distinguished] and [unique] Melonian structures, such as the I-69 Bridge, the Wall Street Wall, and even the House of the Republic of Melonia.”

Owen was tasked with building the Presidential House, which is currently an empty plot of land on 1 Presidential Boulevard, and the Melonian Courthouse, which is also currently an empty plot of land, but on 2 Capitol Drive. However, none of those projects were started during his tenure. Instead, Minister Iso built projects that were not approved by the Republic, such as some artillery and tanks facing Najtraunas, which was considered to be in poor taste due to this being constructed not long after the One Hour War, in which Melonia attacked Najtraunas.

Owen was fired from his position on December 2, 2022 by Prime Minister tz_scion, after “some reflection with President [Michael Webb].” In his public address, Scion stated that “[Owen]'s actions have been too impulsive and rash for our liking. We've proposed some building projects to him, and he has not made significant progress on these projects. At the same time, he has started building projects that we haven't authorized.”

His now-former position of Minister of Architecture is still vacant as of February 15, 2023.

Tenure as Member of Parliament (February 15, 2023-August 7, 2023)

Iso was known for agreeing with a majority of bills. He was a proponent of moving the House of the Republic for a potential redesign of the building and was a big advocate for updating the server to the most current version.

On August 7, 2023, IsoKamikaze was banned from the government until the October 15, 2023 election cycle takes places due to him being found guilty of property interference in CRIM-5, Republic of Melonia v. IsoKamikaze.

Personal Life

Owen has done several projects throughout his personal time in Melonia, such as building the Interstate 69 Bridge between Downtown and Haigdin in Melonia City, the giant Wall Street Wall (which separates the main part of Downtown from Interstate 69), and the House of the Republic of Melonia, the federal building of the Republic. He also built the Haigdin Stadium, which held events for the one year anniversary of Melonia.

He has built many structures for his personal and business needs as well, such as his numerous farms across the Business District (located on Interstate 69), a large barn.

He owns an official Melonian business, Paevalon Incorporate, which is mainly a holding company that contains a lot of his farms and other business ventures.

He is currently working on building a giant palace just outside of Sjafardyn.