Governor of Najtraunas

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Governor of Najtraunas

Governor of Najtraunas
The official flag of Najtraunas.
Incumbent Legate/Simbad
November 25, 2022 - present
Style of Address Governor Legate vul Najtraunas (official)
Type of Role Head of State

Head of Government
Abbreviation(s) Gov. (unofficial)
Member of Government of Najtraunas
Office Govan, Najtraunas, Cieurnish Empire
Appointer Appointment by the Kaiser of Cieurnia
Term length Indefinite (until resignation or the Kaiser fires them)
Position Formation c. July 28, 2022

The Governor of Najtraunas is the absolute ruler of the Cieurnish colony Najtraunas when they are not overridden by the Kaiser of Cieurnia. The Governor makes any and all decisions related to Najtraunas, from state matters to local issues.


Creation of the Position (c. July 28, 2022)

Kaiser Tava decided to reorganize the Najtrauanian government to allow it to flourish into something more than just a military installation on the Melonian server. With this decision came the formation of the Governor of Najtraunas, which is allowed absolute power when the Kaiser does not override them. He appointed Diego vul Najtrauanas to this position, who held it until November 25, 2022.

Diego Abdicates to Simbad (November 25, 2022)

Governor Diego vul Najtraunas decided to abdicate his governorship to Legate, formerly known as Simbad, the former Rehg (king) of Taladosia, on November 25, 2022. According to the Cieurnish Wiki, “Diego's governorship has seen the standard of living in Najtraunas rise considerably, and he has been met with praise for successfully negotiating a massive expansion of the colony's borders on 15 ANC 8 (in common terms, August 8, 2022).”

Leadership Roles

Head of State

The Governor of Najtraunas is the head of state of the colony, officially representing Najtraunas in ceremonies and state visits.

Head of Government

The Governor is also the head of government in Najtraunas, having the absolute authority to take actions within Najtraunas.

List of Najtraunian Governors

Name Term Party Kaiser
1 Diego vul Najtraunas July 28, 2022 - November 25, 2022 N/A Kaiser Tavatone vul Cieurnia
2 Legate vul Najtraunas November 25, 2022 - present N/A Kaiser Tavatone vul Cieurnia