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The flag of Arkovia, which replaced the previous Green Ensign flag on November 27, 2022.
Founded c. July 11, 2022
Fort Najtraunas established

July 28, 2022
Became self-governing
Official LanguagesEnglish, Cieurnish
GovernmentAutocracy (absolute rule by Kaiser Tavatone vul Cieurnia)
Population9 (as of April 20, 2023)
Government Makeup
Kaiser Kaiser Tavatone vul Cieurnia
1st Kaiser of Cieurnia (since c. January 2019)1)
Governor Simbad vul Najtraunas
2nd Governor of Najtraunas (since November 25, 2022)2)

Najtraunas is a Cieurnish demejan (a subordinate territory ruled by the Kaiser of Cieurnia1) directly) located about 800 blocks west of the Republic of Melonia2).


Inception as Fort Najtraunas (July 11, 2022-July 28, 2022)

Najtraunas was created as a deal between the Melonian and Cieurnian governments due to Melonia being concerned about a lack of budget to build their own military. Melonia agreed to cede land to Cieurnia in exchange for the protection services of the at-the-time main Cieurnish Minecraft military force, the Taladosian Landguard. The Landguard began building up what is now Fort Najtraunas.

Government Restructure (July 28, 2022)

Najtraunas became a self-governing colony on July 28, 2022. Kaiser Tavatone then appointed Governor Diego vul Najtraunas to lead Najtraunas. Diego held this position until November 25, 2022 when he abdicated the position to Simbad. According to the Cieurnish Wiki, “Diego's governorship has seen the standard of living in Najtraunas rise considerably, and he has been met with praise for successfully negotiating a massive expansion of the colony's borders on 15 ANC 8 (in common terms, August 8, 2022).”3)

Involvement in the One Hour War (October 14-16, 2022)

Najtraunas was the main area afflicted by the One Hour War, as it was the main target of the Melonian Legion. For more details on this involvement, read the One Hour War article.

Notable Cities, Areas, Territories and Landmarks

The Cieurnish Wiki page for Najtraunas considers these areas to be notable:

  • Ijanburhg, a small town on Najtraunas Island built around Fort Najtraunas.
  • Arragualh Station, a small military camp on the far western border with Melonia.

Government Structure

Cieurnia Main

Kaiser Tavatone vul Cieurnia is the supreme and absolute leader of Najtraunas. He can make any decision regarding Najtraunas and its function without any objection.


Currently, Najtraunas' self-government only has one official: Governor Simbad vul Najtraunas. Simbad is the absolute ruler of Najtraunas when Kaiser Tavatone does not step in to make a decision personally.