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Foundedc. July 2022
CityMelonia City
Population0 (as of October 23, 2022)

Agronia is a borough of Melonia City in the Republic of Melonia. Agronia was founded with the purpose of being a rural area, as opposed to the urban area of Downtown, and an area for agriculture. Agronia is connected to Downtown by Interstate 420 and Webb Road.


The idea of Agronia comes from Prime Minister tz_scion, where he wanted to create a proper rural area and an area for large farms. On July 24th, 2022, a public work project was announced for the creation of Interstate 420 and Webb Road to connect Downtown to Agronia. Since then, there has been plans on making a convention center in Agronia, which has been postponed indefinitely. Currently, there is nobody living in Agronia, however, there are large farms in Agronia for businesses and corporations.