President of the Republic of Melonia

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President of the Republic of Melonia

President of the Republic of Melonia
The official Presidential Seal of the Republic of Melonia.
Incumbent tz_scion
Since June 15, 2023
Style of Address President (official)
Mr. President (unofficial)
Type of Role Head of State

Chief Legislator (signs bills into law)

Commander in Chief (leads Melonian military)
Abbreviation(s) POTRM (unofficial)
Pres. (official)
Member of Executive Branch of the Republic of Melonia
Office House of the Republic
1 Capitol Drive, Downtown, Melonia City, Republic of Melonia
Appointer Instant runoff election

Ascension from Prime Minister (in cases of resignation/firing)

Appointment by Parliament (in cases of firing)
Term length Two months, renewable infinitely
Position Formation May 30, 2022 (prev. titled "Mayor")

The President of the Republic of Melonia (more commonly known as simply the “President”) is the head of state, the chief legislator, and the commander in chief of the Republic of Melonia. The President appoints the Prime Minister (confirmed by Parliament), and must agree on all of the Prime Minister's Cabinet appointments. The President also has the authority to write emergency orders, and allocate emergency resources.

The presidential role used to have more power in the old city-state government of the City of Melonia. The power of the Mayor was divided amongst the modern-day President and Prime Minister to limit the power that one person had.


Position as Mayor (May 30, 2022-August 15, 2022)

The President position started off as the Mayor of the City of Melonia. When Melonia was founded on May 30, 2022, the founders of Melonia decided to establish a city-state government, with an elected Mayor, Vice Mayor, and Senate. The Mayor of the City of Melonia had absolute executive authority, within the bounds of a United States-style delegation of legislative power to the Senate. The only person to ever hold the title of Mayor of the City of Melonia is Michael Webb.

Evolution into President (August 15, 2022-present)

When the new Republic of Melonia government was being drafted, the writers of the new Constitution decided to change Melonia into a semi-presidential constitutional republic rather than a city-state. This meant that the powers of the Executive Branch became split between the President and the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister now has the power to appoint Cabinet members and generally executes the day-to-day functions of the government. The President remains the head of state and commander in chief of the Melonian military, however.

Leadership Roles

Head of State

The President acts as the head of state, or the official figurehead/representative of the Republic of Melonia, both to its own people, and to all foreign nations. This means that the President has the duty of holding ceremonies, writing and/or performing speeches, and meeting with foreign leaders.

As the representative of the Executive Branch of the Melonian government, the President is also seen as the main point of contact for any other government official or citizen. The President, under this directive, also has the power to create emergency orders, and allocate emergency funding and resources.

Chief Legislator

As Chief Legislator, the President has the authority to sign bills into law, or to reject bills by vetoing them. A President's veto can only be overridden by a two-thirds supermajority vote in Parliament, and a ballot measure where “Yes, override this veto” wins out amongst the general population.

Commander in Chief

As Commander in Chief, the President has the authority to deploy troops, allocate resources to/from the Melonian military, and manage the general military structure.

List of Melonian Presidents

There have been only two people to hold the office of the President in over a year.

Name Term Party
1 Michael Webb May 30, 2022 - June 15, 2023 Melonian Representative Party
2 tz_scion June 15, 2023 - present CalvinBall Party