Republic of Melonia

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City of Melonia

City of Melonia
The official flag of the City of Melonia.
FoundedMay 30, 2022
Official LanguagesEnglish, Melonik
GovernmentRepresentative democratic city-state
Owned Buildings Amogus House
2 Main Street, Downtown, Melonia

Melonia City Hall
1 Capitol Drive, Downtown, Melonia

Melonia Polling Place
2 Capitol Drive, Downtown, Melonia

The City of Melonia (also known as simply Melonia) is a representative democratic city-state located at the spawnpoint of the Melonia Minecraft server.


The Beginning (May 30, 2022)

Before Melonia was even created, the founders of the city decided to vote on which type of government to adopt. Options flew around, anywhere from communism, to monarchism, to the representative city-state, which Melonia now has as its government.

The area that is now Melonia was discovered by three people who were scouting land for a potential city; TheRandomMelon (Michael), JosephineMira, and tz_scion. They agreed that this land would be perfect for the city, and began to build. JosephineMira did a lot of initial terraforming, making the initially stone mountain area into a grassy mountain that was far flatter where the city was to be placed. The first buildings to exist in Melonia were the three's houses; Scion's first, then Mira's, then Michael's.

From there, the first street was created for these three houses to sit on; aptly named Main Street. This street still exists today, although it is much larger.

Other people began to settle the land, including cstro216 and IsoKamikaze. A quick election was held soon after, determining the initial makeup of the Melonian government; Michael Webb (TheRandomMelon) as Mayor, JosephineMira as Vice Mayor, and Scion and cstro as Senators. All of these candidates ran unopposed. Blake would not be appointed as Secretary of City Planning until the next day.

Expansion and First Contact with the Kingdom of Taladosia (May 31, 2022-June 1, 2022)

Melonia expanded further out, adding several more houses and the beginnings of Interstate 69. Vice Mayor JosephineMira came from the Kingdom of Taladosia, and therefore, wanted to invite them to start diplomatic relations with the newly founded city-state. Kaiser Tavatone and Rehg Simbad were very interested, and immediately began talks with the Melonian government.

Talks went very well, as the Senate voted unanimously to begin diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Taladosia. Mayor Michael Webb hosted Bannerman (the delegate from Taladosia to Melonia at the time) for a tour of Melonia, then the Taladosians hosted Mayor Webb for tours of the cities of Karthadálh, Mountreighan and Aujhburgh.

The Taladosians were allowed to build an embassy, which is located on 1 Cieurnia Drive to this day.

Constitutional Amendment I (June 1, 2022)

This amendment is important to Melonian history because it establishes how the Melonian government conducts relations with foreign nations, from signing treaties to the process of war. This was passed unanimously by the citizens who voted.

Mayor Michael Webb gave a speech summarizing recent events which can be watched here.

Establishment of the Melonia Civic Society (June 3, 2022)

The Melonia Civic Society, which hosts this wiki, was founded on June 3rd, 2022 by Mayor Michael Webb in order to preserve the history and culture of Melonia.

Treaty with Taladosia (June 4-June 16, 2022)

Soon after officially establishing relations with one another, the two nations drafted a treaty. However, due to preoccupations, Mayor Michael Webb could not sign the treaty, despite it passing in the Senate back on June 4th, until June 16th. It was finally completed on June 16th, however, and is still in effect today.

You can read the treaty here.

Establishment of the Business Code and the Naturalization Act (June 4, 2022)

The Senate voted unanimously on June 4, 2022 to establish the Business Code and the Naturalization Act. These bills are significant enough to be mentioned here because they drastically changed how Melonia systems work.

The Business Code established the ability to officially form companies/businesses, which allows the government to better categorize taxing and employment.

The Naturalization Act established the process for allowing foreign people to become citizens of Melonia. So far, two people have been naturalized into Melonia through this bill, drastically changing its history.

The Beginnings of Melonik (June 16, 2022)

Melonik was adopted as an official language of Melonia on June 16, 2022. This language was created by Scion, and is still in use and being heavily developed today. A few signs are translated into Melonik, such as the signs at the entrance of Melonia City Hall. Melonik is also used in naming places, such as the borough of Haigdin.

Civil and Criminal Law In Effect (June 22, 2022)

The Senate voted unanimously to adopt the Criminal Procedure Act and the Civil Lawsuit Procedure Act in order to more properly establish how laws should be enforced in the City of Melonia. Civil cases are also established here, allowing any citizen, company, or government entity to sue another citizen, company, or government entity. Judges preside over these cases, with criminal trials having a jury.

Borough and Zoning Act (June 24, 2022)

The Senate unanimously passed the Borough and Zoning Act to officially establish boroughs and zoning. This allows more planning to be done inside the city before buildings are placed down. Currently, two boroughs exist: Downtown and Haigdin.

Constitutional Amendments II and III (June 24-June 27, 2022)

The Senate voted to pass Constitutional Amendment II on June 24, 2022, and was approved by citizens on June 27, 2022. This amendment changes a lot about Melonian election law, such as no longer requiring the polling place to be on Capitol Drive, removing the limit on polling places (previously one), and changing how citizens voted from renaming pieces of paper with an anvil to a book and quill ballot system instead.

The Senate, under an emergency meeting due to Senator cstro not being available at the time, passed Constitutional Amendment III on June 26, 2022, and was approved by citizens on June 27, 2022. This amendment changes how Senate meetings are conducted; removing the requirement for all Senators to be present, allowing the Vice Mayor and other government officials to take the place of a Senator for a meeting, and allowing the Mayor to lead a meeting instead of the Vice Mayor in this instance.

Establishment of Political Parties (June 29, 2022)

Bannerman, recently becoming a naturalized Melonian citizen, still had a lot of love for his native land of Cieurnia, and therefore, started a political party called Parteife Grejta (The Cieurnish National Party) in order to represent the interests of the Cieurnians who have become naturalized Melonian citizens in the Melonian Senate, and to establish direct democracy in Melonia. The party is officially center-left.

In response to Bannerman forming this party, Mayor Michael Webb and Senators Scion and cstro decided to form the Melonian Representative Party, a party that stands for representative democracy, the Melonian Constitution, aims to expand Melonian progress, infrastructure, and culture, and aims to keep Melonia as one whole city instead of sectioned off areas based on culture.