One-Hour War

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One-Hour War

One-Hour War
A now-famous photo of the Melonian Legion burning down the "Bridge of Friendship" in Aurretz, Najtraunas, October 16, 2022.
Significant War in Melonian History
DateOctober 16, 2022
Location Najtraunas
(a Cieurnish territory)
Belligerents Republic of Melonia
Melonian Legion
Najtraunas (Cieurnish Empire)
  • Bannerman
  • diegoses
  • Staylo
  • tidelocked
  • RMJellyfish456
Casualties/Losses Republic of Melonia: 1 surrendered; one elytra lost; parts of Melonia City damaged and looted
Najtraunas (Cieurnish Empire): 10 killed; Fort Najtraunas damaged and looted
Result Draw (military phase) - Melonia takes most of Najtraunas but is forced to withdraw to respond to an attack on the capital.

Najtraunian/Cieurnish victory (negotiation phase) - Melonia withdraws from Najtraunas, drops territorial claims, agrees to pay reparations and pledges to negotiate a new treaty

Thank you to the Cieurnish Wiki for allowing us to use their work in the creation of this article! Check out their article here.

The One-Hour War, also known as the Cieurno-Melonian War or the Cieurno-Melonian Conflict, was a military conflict fought between Najtraunas (Cieurnish Empire) and the Republic of Melonia over the Cieurnish colony of Najtraunas. The conflict lasted just one hour and 14 minutes until a ceasefire was called. The war was caused by a territorial dispute over the Aurezh and Borroujeia regions in central and western Najtraunas.

Background (October 10, 2022 - October 16, 2022)

Melonia had claimed that Aurezh and a small part of Borroujeia, amounting to about a third of the colony in total and a significant portion of its natural resources, had been illegally occupied by the Cieurns in August and demanded that it be surrendered to Melonian control. Bannerman, the Cieurnish foreign minister and former Melonian government official, declined the ultimatum. The Melonians responded by invading Najtraunas at 7:33 PM Central Time that night.

Invasion (October 16, 2022)

Najtraunas was not regarded as a very important colony prior to the One Hour War. The colony was largely undeveloped aside from a military fort on Najtraunas Island and a small town; only one Cieurnish soldier had been stationed to guard the colony, and despite the arrival of three more volunteers from Montregan-Rejburhg, the defenders were quickly overwhelmed in the initial half-hour of the invasion.

Before the initial attack, the Cieurnabradd (the Cieurnish forces) evacuated all the defenders to Fort Najtraunas where they intended to stay out of harm's way and prepare to retake Aurezh, allowing the Melonian Legion to occupy and destroy Arragualh Station bloodlessly. Mira, the at-the-time Minister of State of Melonia, then ordered the Melonian legion to don their elytra and conduct an aerial invasion of the fort - at which point the casualty toll began to rise.

In this second phase of the invasion, the Melonians were able to simply fly over the fort's walls and kill the poorly supplied colonial troops standing guard inside. After the fort was taken, the Governor of Najtraunas, Diego vul Najtraunas, was captured and summarily executed; by this point, two thirds of Najtraunas had fallen to Melonian hands with the only minor holdouts remaining in the southern Grajenetz Brutruzh region.


As the fort fell, Tidelocked managed to escape behind Melonian lines. He made haste to the Melonian capital, Melonia City, where he proceeded to wreak havoc - going so far as to damage several buildings and steal expensive Melonian military gear in an act that Melonian President Michael Webb later characterised as “complete badassery”.

Tidelocked's attack proved to be a desperately-needed saving grace for the Najtraunas partisans, and resulted in the Melonian troops withdrawing to defend the city. After the withdrawal, Bannerman convinced TheRandomMelon and tz_scion to call him, whereupon he revealed that Mira had manipulated Melonia into starting the war and successfully negotiated an armistice. Melonia halted their assault once contact was established with Bannerman at 8:47 PM, in a decision which is regarded as the de-facto end of the war.