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Secretary Bannerman's official portrait.
1st Secretary of Tax Collection of Melonia
TermJuly 9, 2022-present
Party Parteife Grejta
June 29, 2022-present
Citizen Info
JoinedTo be added
Address4 Baker Street, Haigdin, Melonia

Bannerman, also known by his username BannermanCieurn, is the current Secretary for Tax Collection in Melonia. He was appointed to the position by Mayor Michael Webb, who created the position to enforce the property tax. Bannerman also founded the Parteife Grejta on June 30, 2022.

Tenure as Secretary of Tax Collection (July 9, 2022-present)

Early Days of the Position (First Term)

It is still yet to be seen how Bannerman will use his position, although when he was sitting in the Senate meeting where he was confirmed, he did suggest several good ideas to the Senate, such as starting a stimulus check instead of a UBI bill right away.

Run for Expansian Senate

Bannerman is currently running for the Senate seat of Expansia. He wants to bring referendums from citizens into Melonian law; basically, allowing citizens to gather enough signatures to get an item passed into law via a citizen vote. He also advocates for Cieurnish culture and ideals, and wants to add Cieurnish as an official language of Melonia, in addition to English and Melonyc.

Founding the Cieurnish National Party (Parteife Grejta) (June 29, 2022)

Bannerman, along with Vice Mayor JosephineMira, founded the Parteife Grejta on June 29, 2022. In the official political party filing, the Cieurnish National Party states that they advocate for Cieurnish nationalism and direct democracy. They also state that their political leaning is center-left.

Personal Melonian Activities

Bannerman is in the process of building his own house, located on 4 Baker Street in Haigdin.