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Member of Parliament Buzzy_the_Bee’s official portrait.
1st Member of Parliament of Melonia
April 15, 2023 - present
TermApril 15, 2023 - present
Party Independent
Citizen Info
JoinedFebruary 26, 2023
Address3 Ridgeview Way, Haigdin

Buzzy_the_Bee, also known as Sock, is a current Member of Parliament in the Republic of Melonia. Sock is also the owner of Arazi Bakes in Sjafardyn, a business that specializes in baked goods.

Tenure as Member of Parliament (April 15, 2023-Present)

As the term has just started, and due to Sock not being available for a little bit, there has not been any official actions taken by Sock as Member of Parliament.

Personal Melonian Activities

Before becoming elected M.P., Sock frequently attended Parliament meetings, voicing her opinion when the Speaker and the M.P.s were deliberating on bills. This led to her reputation skyrocketing in the Melonian community as a citizen who used her rights as a citizen to voice her opinion before the government, which has not been very common in Melonia before she joined. This factor, along with her campaigning, likely led to her victory in the April 15, 2023 election.

Sock is the owner of Arazi Bakes, which is a store in Sjafardyn that sells baked goods.