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Member of Parliament Legate’s official portrait.
1st Member of Parliament of Melonia
April 15, 2023 - present
TermApril 15, 2023 - present
Party Melonia Reborn
February 4, 2023-February 23, 2023

United Republic Front
April 1, 2023-present
Citizen Info
JoinedOctober 15, 2022
Address3 Promise Way, Haigdin

Legate, also known as stoneflowerss, is a current Member of Parliament in the Republic of Melonia. Legate was a presidential candidateMelonia Reborn during the February 15, 2023 Election, however, they lost to incumbent Michael Webb. Legate has founded a total of two political parties, the Melonian Reborn, which would later be disbanded on February 23, 2023, and the United Republic Front.

Tenure as Member of Parliament (April 15, 2023-Present)

Legate is currently proposing for the Human Dignity Bill.

Tenure in the Cieurnish Empire

Work In Progress

Personal Melonian Activities

Work In Progress