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Senator Scion's official portrait.
Senator (Expansia) of Melonia
TermMay 30, 2022-present
Party None
May 30, 2022-June 29, 2022

Melonian Representative Party
June 29, 2022-present
Citizen Info
JoinedMay 30, 2022
Address5 Main Street, Melonia

Scion, also known by his username tz_scion, is the current Senator for Expansia in Melonia. He was elected to the position after running unopposed on May 30, 2022. He was re-elected without opposition on June 15, 2022. He helped found and is a current member of the Melonian Representative Party.

Tenure as Senator (May 30, 2022-present)

Early Days of the Position

Scion started his tenure as a Senator by helping to pass the first 6 laws in Melonia history. He wrote three of the early bills; the Property Tax Act, the Criminal Code and the first Constitutional Amendment (which standardized treaties and wars). Scion has also been vocal on many important government issues that have arisen. Many of his ideas ended up being adapted into the amended laws that eventually passed.

Kingdom of Taladosia

Scion has approved the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Taladosia.

Later First Term Actions

Scion wrote two more laws that all passed in the first legislative term; the Business Code and the Naturalization Act. The Business Code established the official registration of businesses, allowing an easier way to manage them for both the business owner and the Melonian government. The Naturalization Act established an official path for people from foreign nations to be naturalized into the city of Melonia. Both of these bills are fundamental to how Melonia functions today.

Second Term Actions (June 16, 2022-present)

Scion has written 6 bills in his second term that have passed in the Senate and become official law. Below is an overview of each one.

Currency Act (co-written with Mayor Michael Webb) The Currency Act established the official currency of Melonia, separated into three denominations that grow in value; melits, melings, and mikes respectively. 64 of the smaller denomination equals one bigger denomination; for example, 64 melits equals 1 meling. This currency is beginning to come into existence, being used by businesses mainly at the moment.

Criminal Procedure Act This bill established how criminal trials work. Criminal trials have a judge and a jury. Each side of the case will be able to have an opening statement, witness questioning, and a closing statement. The jury will then deliberate on the case, make their verdict, and if needed, the judge will sentence the person.

Flag Code (co-written with Senator cstro) The Flag Code establishes the official procedure of how a Melonian flag is made, and how it and other flags in the city are displayed. For example, if someone has an alternative flag, they must fly a Melonian flag with it. Embassies are exempted from this rule.

Borough and Zoning Act This act establishes boroughs and zoning. There are two boroughs at the moment; Downtown and Haigdin. It allows the government to distribute funds more properly as needed to these areas. Zoning allows the government to decide what type of buildings can go up on a plot of land, even before any building is built there. The government can remove a building from an area if it violates the zone.

Amendment to Naturalization Act This amendment to the Naturalization Act removed the requirement for naturalized citizens to wait a certain number of days in order to be allowed to do things such as run for public office.

Constitutional Amendment III This amendment to the Melonian Constitution changed how Senate meetings work. It removes the requirement for all Senators to be present, allowing the Vice Mayor and other government officials to take the place of a Senator for a meeting. It allows the Mayor to lead a meeting instead of the Vice Mayor in this instance as well.

Construction of Haigdin

Scion has pushed extensively for the construction of Haigdin, a borough just across the bridge located on Interstate 69. He has established a business there called Steak King, which sells food products such as steak and pork. He is hoping in the future to expand Haigdin further, making it into a flourishing commericial area.

Founding the Melonian Representative Party (June 29, 2022)

Scion, along with Mayor Michael Webb and Senator cstro, founded the Melonian Representative Party on June 29, 2022. The party's description is as follows: “The Melonian Representative Party is a political party that aims to lead the City of Melonia to its deserved glory. We are pro-Constitution, pro-democracy and aim to keep Melonia as a representative democracy. We aim to expand Melonian progress, infrastructure, and culture throughout the server. We also aim to keep Melonia as one whole city instead of sectioned off areas based on culture.”

Future Plans

Scion hopes in the future to expand Haigdin into a massive commercial area full of prospering businesses. He also wants to push for the enforcement of the Flag Code and the Property Tax Act.

Personal Melonian Activities

Scion has built his own house, located on 5 Main Street. He has also established a business called Steak King, which specializes in selling food products such as steak and pork.